A scalable approach to handling long-running ethereum transactions with Redux

This post was originally written a couple of years ago when I was building out an earlier version of Auxo. There have been some changes to the tools and libraries that are available now for solving some of the problems outlined in this article, but I think most of the concepts are still valid.

When we built Auxo, we wanted to integrate a number of the lessons learned from building previous DApps and products in PieDAO. In any frontend web app, how you manage the data (the state) is critical to keeping your app maintainable and performant.

Recently, the tendency has been to move more and more of the application code into the front end application, as operations on the blockchain are šŸ’° (expensive) and šŸ¢ (slow), compared to what we can do in the userā€™s browser with a framework like React, Vue, Svelte or Angular.

At some point though, you have to interact with the network. So, in order to create a great user-experience for a DApp, we as developers need to have a very clear conceptual framework for managing the kind of long-running transactions that are typical in Web3. We also need to ensure we are giving plenty of user feedback and are able to accurately reflect the state of the app, in relation to the network, at a given time.

This post explains our approach in Auxo, in particular some of our early discussions on what doesnā€™t scale as an approach to managing transactions, and how we can use the tools in the popular state management library Redux to create a clear separation between our components, blockchain transactions, and user journeys.

The Basics

A core feature of any DApp is the ability to submit transactions through the UI and have them be resolved on chain.

The basic workflow of a transaction, using ethers JS and react:

  1. Submit the transaction using the ethers Contract instance.
  2. Wait for the promise to resolve, indicating the transaction was submitted successfully.
    1. During this stage, the user will probably be signing the transaction on Metamask, Trezor etc.
  3. Wait for the network to confirm the transaction.

Part 1 is a simple UI interaction. Part 2 puts the application in an extended, pending state, but importantly here, the user is engaged elsewhere (they are signing the transaction).

Part 3 is more challenging. Network confirmations often take several seconds, sometimes minutes, and sometimes lock for even longer. In the meantime, while the user can see the transaction is pending in their wallet, our application needs to know how to handle this intermediate state, and provide the relevant user feedback.

Our approach at Auxo leverages Redux, Redux Toolkit (specifically slices and ā€˜Thunksā€™) and ethers to create a store capable of handling long-running asynchronous transactions, while keeping the rest of the store, and the react UI elements, synchronous.

Naive approach (In-component state updates)

Itā€™s helpful to remind ourselves one (super) simplified way how we might handle submitting a transaction in the base case:

const MAX_VALUE = // some big number (0xfff....fffff)
const TOKEN_ADDRESS = // erc20 token address
const SPENDER = // address of our spender (contract or EOA)

function MinimalTxComponent() {

    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
    const [approved, setApproved] = useState(false);

	const erc20 = useErc20Contract(TOKEN_ADDRESS);

    function approveErc20Max() {
	    if (erc20) erc20.approve(ethers.BigNumber.from(MAX_VALUE), SPENDER);
			else throw Error('No Erc20 Contract');
        .then(() => setApproved(true))
        .catch(() => alert('Error'))
        .finally(() => setLoading(false))

    return (
            {loading ? 'Loading...' : approved ? 'Approved' : 'Click Me' }

The above component does nothing more than approves a large amount of tokens from the sender to an address. This address could be a smart contract, or another EOA.

This will work, but I could hardly consider it good practice. There are some glaring issues, mostly related to extensibility and reusability of this component:

The ethers transaction object

Ethers transactions follow the below workflow:

Basic Eth Transaction Flow

Specifically, we are creating a promise when we submit the transaction to the network, awaiting at least a succesful submission before the promise resolves.

Key point: a submission is NOT a confirmation.

The default behavior of ethers is to simply submit the transaction to the network, resolve the promise and move on. At this stage, the transaction is still in a pending state waiting to be picked up by a miner/validator and added to the blockchain.

Itā€™s possible to return the transaction at this first stage, giving a TransactionResponse object, with some of the following properties set to null :

Crucially, we also have access to a Transaction.wait method. This will wait for at least 1 network confirmation before resolving the promise, at which point the above BlockNumber, BlockHash and Timestamp will have actual values.

Ok, how does this relate to our example?

Awaiting a transaction confirmation can take several minutes in the worst case. Along the way, there are all sorts of edge cases and error handling we might want to consider.

Beyond the complexities of writing all this into a single component, the bigger question is more: how do we update our application in multiple places, with potentially multiple transactions?

A minimal Redux store

Iā€™ve seen a lot of applications make heavy use of React hooks to manage state. This is perfectly fine, but the hooks model is a very opinionated and react-centric approach to developing web applications that has some notable teething problems.

When we talk about complex state management in react apps, why reinvent the wheel just because this is Web3?

Redux provides many out-the-box features and benefits that the hooks ecosystem does not yet have standardised, and Redux Toolkit has been a pleasure to work with, in my experience.

Before explaining HOW we use Redux, we need to understand what is in our store:

Our basic, multiple-vault state is pretty simple:

interface VaultState {
  vaults: Vault[];
  selected: null | string;

We have a list of vaults, and a string indicator that allows us to indicate which one of the vaults is currently selected :

frax pool screenshot

The selected vault is useful when looking at the single vault page, and we actually use the contract address of the deployed vault as the index.

Whatā€™s in a Vault?

The basic vault in the state needs to contain, at the very least:

interface Vault {
  address: string;
  token?: VaultToken; // address of the single deposit token
  auth?: VaultAuth; // whether the user is authorised to use the vault
  cap?: VaultCap; // per user deposit cap
  stats?: VaultStats; // total deposits across all users
  userBalances?: UserBalances; // deposits and other balances for current user

Details arenā€™t important, what you need to know is ā€˜Contract address is the index, on chain data is added as we goā€™.

Once weā€™ve defined a couple of vaults, we can use Redux toolkit createSlice to create the state:

// vault.slice.ts

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import { vaultState } from "./vault.state";

const vaultSlice = createSlice({
  name: "vault",
  initialState: vaultState, // vaultState is of type VaultState

Dispatching an async action

The basic workflow we want to achieve is a decoupling of the component, the synchronous state, and the asynchronous network calls.

Assuming we are waiting for a transaction to be confirmed, the flow should look like this:

Full Tx Flow

Here, the component dispatches the action to send the transaction to the network. We now want two things to happen:

  1. We want the component (and all other components) to be notified that the state is now ā€˜pendingā€™ for that transaction.
  2. We want the store to listen for updates in that transaction

Updating the state on Success with Redux Toolkit

In Redux, we want our state reducers to always be synchronous, but we are now in a position where our dispatch events trigger highly asynchronous actions. Youā€™ve got a few options to solve this problem, such as:

In Auxo, we used Redux Toolkit and the createAsyncThunk helper to achieve this.

RTK Query was my first choice - Uniswap even have an RTK Query inspired multicall utility (but I could not get it to work, unfortunately) - but in genery RTK Query seemed, to me at least, more of a tool for RESTful API development. When it comes to JSON-RPC requests routed through providers, I could not see an obvious way to expose such calls into RTK Query APIs.

Sagas are popular, but they do introduce a lot of new concepts, including the relatively esoteric javascript generator functions, which introduces a learning curve.

In the end, we settled on createAsyncThunk. It seemed to walk a nice line between relatively easy to understand, and having the async lifecycle functionality we needed, it works like this:

Redux Simple Flow

Thunks have a strange name, but are pretty easy to work with, all told. Letā€™s say we want to approve a deposit for an ERC20:

  async (
	// pass the deposit amount, and the token (ethers contract)
    { deposit, token }: ThunkApproveDepositProps,

	// we can destructure the utilities to fetch the state within our thunk
    { getState }
  ) => {

Simple enough. We need to select the correct vault from the list of vaults, fortunately, we have a currently selected vault saved in our state (see above), which makes this fairly trivial

const { vault } = getState();
const tx = await token.approve(vault.selected, deposit);

Finally, we can wait for at least one network confirmation before resolving the asynchronous action:

const receipt = await tx.wait();

return receipt.status === 1 ? { deposit } : rejectWithValue("Approval Failed");

All together:

import { createAsyncThunk } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import { Erc20 } from "../../types/artifacts/abi";

type ThunkApproveDepositProps = {
  deposit: string;
  token: Erc20 | undefined;

const thunkApproveDeposit = createAsyncThunk(
    async ({ deposit, token }: ThunkApproveDepositProps, { getState, rejectWithValue }) => {
        const { vault } = getState();
        const tx = await token.approve(vault.selected, deposit);
        const receipt = await tx.wait();
        return receipt.status === 1 ? { deposit } : rejectWithValue("Approval Failed");

Adding Other Notifications

Notice we donā€™t need try/catch logic or anything like that. createAsyncThunk exposes events if the promise resolves, rejects or is still pending, and we can subscribe to those events to standardise our error handling - pretty neat!

These lifecycle events are accessed in the extraReducers section of our slice, taking our approve action, it has 3 states:

Assuming our above promise fulfills, we can update the state as follows:

export const vaultSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'vault',
    initialState: vaultState,
	extraReducers: (builder) => {
    builder.addCase(thunkApproveDeposit.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
        // update the state here

You can use exactly the same pattern for .pending and .rejected :

Letā€™s say I set up a global notification handler called alert . It takes 2 arguments:

builder.addCase(thunkApproveDeposit.pending, (state) => {
  state.alert = {
    message: "Approval Pending",
    type: "PENDING",

builder.addCase(thunkApproveDeposit.rejected, (state, action) => {
  state.alert = {
    message: "Approval Failed",
    type: "ERROR",

What I really like about this approach is that it entirely decouples the:

The above example is still somewhat minimal compared to the final state we used. You can view the Auxo Github for more details, including how we:


The fact that this article is this length, just to allow us to handle on-chain transactions in what I would consider to be a scalable and manageable way, shows that the DApp ecosystem still has a way to go in developing the abstractions and SDKs that will facilitate rapid development and high quality user experiences in the way Web2 has done so well.

At the same time, once you have a conceptual understanding of the way long running transactions CAN work, it provides a lot of opportunities to think through how to address the challenges. If I look at some of my favourite Web3 Frontends (Balancer jumps to mind), Iā€™m really starting to be impressed by how easy these tools are becoming to use, and I hope approaches like this can be critiqued, re-worked, and improved on to build better applications.
